Guru Rinpoche Puja 2024

14 July 2024 we will be doing a puja to show our gratitude to Guru for his teaching and blessings.

Event will start at 3pm for all and ends at 8pm. Blessing will start around 4pm. (you may leave after the blessing)
Pets are welcome for this event.
At 3pm I will start the prayers and offerings.
At 4-8pm you can come and join us. We will be around to guide you on what to do. Blessing will be available during that time.

Offering Items (Part A)
We will doing a Thousand-item Tsok offering to Guru Rinpoche during the Puja.
There will be 100 sets of items available for sponsorship. Each set will be $118.
One set of offering comprises of 10 items as follows:

  1. Water
  2. Flowers
  3. Incense
  4. Candles
  5. Scent
  6. Biscuits
  7. Tea leaves
  8. Pills
  9. Fruit
  10. Incense powder
    (All items subjected to changes)

You will have the option of bring home the set you have offered after the Puja or to leave donate it to the center to further generate further virtuous activities. (Please see a short explanation of Tibetan Buddhism Tsok offering below)

Part B
Offering of candles. Each candle will be $60.

Part C
Wine Offering (12 available)
$60 per bottle (Please note wine will be open that day and you can bring the wine back after the event)

Part D
D1- $388 (3 pieces available)
D2- $238 (4 pieces available) (Amulet given based on fate)
D3-$138 (10 pieces available) (Amulet given based on fate)

Many other special items will be available on that day so please join us to grab the item at special price.

Tsok offering is direct short-cut to generate tremendous benefits especially when it is performed on an auspicious day. Below are some of the Key benefits:

  1. Accumulation of Merit: Tsok practice is considered a powerful means of accumulating merit, which is the positive energy generated through virtuous actions. By offering and sharing with a pure motivation and intention, practitioners accumulate merit, which can contribute to their spiritual progress and well-being.
  2. Purification of Negative Karma: Tsok practice is believed to have purifying effects on negative karma, the accumulated effects of past negative actions. Through the act of offering and the recitation of prayers and mantras during tsok ceremonies, practitioners seek purification and the mitigation of the negative consequences of their actions.
  3. Cultivation of Generosity: Tsok practice is an opportunity for practitioners to cultivate the virtue of generosity. By offering and sharing the provisions and items during tsok ceremonies, individuals cultivate a selfless attitude, overcome attachment to possessions, and develop a generous and open-hearted mindset.
  4. Deepening Devotion and Connection: Engaging in tsok practice fosters a deepening of devotion and connection with the enlightened being. Through the act of offering, practitioners express their reverence, devotion, and gratitude, establishing a profound relationship with the divine and inviting their blessings and guidance.
  5. Community Building and Unity: Tsok practice is often performed in a group or community setting, bringing individuals together in a shared spiritual endeavor. The collective participation in tsok ceremonies creates a sense of unity, cooperation, and support within the spiritual community, fostering harmonious relationships and a strong spiritual bond.
  6. Nourishment of Inner Qualities: Tsok practice is not merely about the physical act of offering and sharing food but also involves the internal cultivation of qualities such as mindfulness, concentration, and pure awareness. The rituals, prayers, and visualizations involved in tsok ceremonies provide an opportunity for practitioners to deepen their spiritual practice and nourish their inner qualities.
  7. Swift Attainment of Enlightenment: It is believed that through the sincere and dedicated practice of tsok, practitioners create favorable conditions for swift spiritual progress and the attainment of enlightenment. The blessings received through tsok offerings are seen as catalysts for transformation, supporting practitioners on their path to awakening

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