莲花生大士, 刘海禅师, 王天君之诞辰

Do you know who they are?
If yes I believe you will surely get yourself ready to be the first to come for this event…
If no… What are you waiting for???

Do join us on 6th July, (Sunday) from 1-5pm to celebrate 莲花生大士, 刘海禅师, 王天君之诞辰.
(Location: Blk 3 Beach Rd #01-4825)

We will be giving blessing to clear your obstacles, remove bad energy and to enhance your good wealth and luck. First come first serve basis.

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Light Offering will be available to brighten up your wisdom and clearing the path and to lead you to the heart of your guardian.


Few pieces of jade 三脚蟾蜍 are available for sponsorship at $128 each(limited pieces). The 三脚蟾蜍 can be placed on your safe box to attract wealth. For the savvy businessman, the 三脚蟾蜍 can be placed at the shop’s entrance to suck in prosperity. You can even carry it or wear it with you for protection and enhance your fortune luck. Owners of the 三脚蟾蜍 will be briefed on how to take care of the 三脚蟾蜍.

So do join us on this joyous day.

Looking back…….

half year

We have come to a point where we are reaching the half of 2014….

half result

Look back on 2014… Ask yourself…
What have you achieve?
What was not done?
What was planned but never dare to step foot on it?
How much knowledge have you gain?
How much have you let go?

half review 1

It’s a good time to review your 2014…
Was first half of 2014 good for you?
Did you waste the first half of 2014?
Was relationship in your favour?
Was health an issue?
Financially balanced?
Emotionally stable?

Do not wait for full darkness… Grab some light to shine on you… Cleanse yourself…
half review

Do not let time passes meaninglessly…
Join us at http://lingzongcultivation.wordpress.com/ to add colours in your life

half year improve

To improve your 2014 do let the expert guide you.
Do book an oracle reading appointment with the following,
Master Roy,   http://www.zacken99.com/

Lady Shaura, http://www.ladyshaura.blogspot.sg/

Myself, https://cixuanasia.com/

Do step out of your comfort zone and get things done… Do not waste your 2014…

The Buddha’s 4 Noble Truths


The Buddha’s 4 Noble Truths

Right now there is a unique emphasis upon light and enlightenment, everywhere. The revival in western civilization of Buddha’s ancient teachings reflects this truth. Countless millions down the ages have recognized the Buddha as the symbol of enlightenment, the Light Bearer from on High.

The Buddha’s Four Noble Truths expose the causes of human trouble and include the cure, the Noble Eightfold Path, which is the Path of Right Human Relations. Humanity is learning these lessons and taking its first steps along the Lighted Way of Right Relations.


Those who seek the path to enlightenment must first remove all ego pride and humbly be willing to accept the light of Truth. All the treasures of the world, all its gold, silver and honors, are not to be compared with wisdom and virtue. To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind.

Anyone who can control the mind can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come. Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.


1. Suffering

Suffering and frustration come from our difficulty in facing the basic fact of life that everything around us is impermanent and transitory. Rich or poor, average or gifted, all life is subjected to the following: the trauma of birth, the pathology of sickness, the fear of physical and mental degeneration, the phobia of death, karmically to be tied to what one distastes, or to be separated from what one loves. “All things must arise and pass away.”

2. Desire

The cause of suffering and frustration occurs because out of ignorance, we divide the perceived world into individual and separate things. The desire to pull apart from the rest of life and seek fulfillment for the separated self, at the expense of all other forms of life, causes suffering to the whole, as Life is One Being. Our duty to our brothers and sisters is to understand them as extensions, other aspects of ourselves, as fellow facets of the same reality.

3. Suffering and Frustration Can Be Ended

If the cause of life’s suffering is those inclinations which tend to continue or increase separativeness, in fact all forms of selfish craving, then its cure lies in the overcoming of such cravings. If we can be released from the narrow limits of self-interest into the vast expanse of universal life, we will be free of our torment.

The overcoming of desire is through substitution of the personal wants with divine inclinations.


4. The Eightfold Path to Enlightenment

The way out of our captivity is through the Eightfold Path to Enlightenment:

Right Understanding leads to Wisdom

Right Aspiration leads to Divine Inclination

Right Speech leads to Truth and Understanding

Right Behavior leads to Goodwill

Right Livelihood leads to Sharing

Right Effort leads to Highest Outcome

Right Mindfulness leads to Purposeful Living

Right Absorbtion leads to Unity

In these simple words Buddha teaches us to shine our light, and find peace.