Crystal Sharing Course

There are many types of crystals available in the market but do you really know about crystal? And which type of crystal is good for healing? protection? love? health?

I will be conducting a course to share about some crystal knowledge and teach participants on the types of crystal to use for healing, protection, to lure love, to have more luck etc.

Course date: 10 July @3-7pm
Location: 428 Joo Chiat Road
Energy Exchange: $50 ( Part of collected will be donated)

For participants you may bring along some of your own crystal and we could have some fun with the crystal. Some crystal can be purchase at special rates during the workshop.
Please book a seat early as due to Covid safety measures I could not take too many participants.
*All attendees are required to follow the safe distancing measures and Mask to be wore throughout the workshop.

Reiki Master Course

I will be conducting my last Reiki course before I fully hand over to my trusted Reiki Teacher I groomed through the years. So for those Reiki level 2 Practitioners it will be your chance to get double attunement from both of us. However my style of getting you into the course will need you to indicate your interest and I will do an oracle to see if you are fated for this course.

Do msg me for any queries

Location at 428 Joo Chiat Road
Date to be advised (likely to be july end or early to mid aug)
Energy Exchange as stated during the Reiki 2 course

Please book a seat early as due to Covid measures I could not take too many participants.
*All attendees are required to follow the safe distancing measures and Mask to be wore throughout the workshop.

Crystal Grid workshop 3 and 4

Crystal Grid are an incredibly powerful and beautiful way to manifest your dreams, goals and intentions. They are also powerful healing tools. The power of a crystal grid comes from the combined energies of the crystals you use, how you lay them out and the intentions you set.

Basically, a crystal grid is a special arrangement of crystals and stones, used with intention, to manifest a desired result. The universe likes to provide us with what we need, not just what we want. So it’s best to focus on manifesting a need vs a want, if you would like it to come to fruition. Common intentions that people use for crystal grids are for well being, abundance, healing and protection. 

Crystal Grid workshop 3

3rd July 2021 @1pm to 7pm
Location at 428 Joo Chiat Road
Energy Exchange S$100 (Part of it will be used for donation)
For this workshop I will share with you on the types of crystal grid, how to create and how to use a crystal grid.
For participants please have in mind your need you wish to fulfill using the crystal grid. All equipment and tools will be provided. Crystal will be provided and some special ones can be purchase at special rates during the workshop.
Please book a seat early as due to Covid measures I could not take too many participants.
*All attendees are required to follow the safe distancing measures and Mask to be wore throughout the workshop.

Crystal Grid workshop 4

4th July 2021 @1pm to 7pm
Location at 428 Joo Chiat Road
Energy Exchange S$100 (Part of it will be used for donation)
For this workshop I will share with you on the types of crystal grid, how to create and how to use a crystal grid.
All equipment and tools will be provided. Crystal will be provided and some special ones can be purchase at special rates during the workshop.
Please book a seat early as I could not take too many participants due to Covid Safety Measures.
*All attendees are required to follow the safe distancing measures and Mask to be wore throughout the workshop.

Kindness in the air

I got a case of someone had away and this person hope to get me to help the deceased. And it turns out that this person is the agent who sold the property and she felt that she need to help the deceased as he had live 15 years alone without electricity and water. So she hopes someone able to help this deceased gain more merits and have a better next life.

I am truly touched by the kindness and accepted the job. But I made this a class event for all my students and also with pouring donation from all my students. So what I did is split the event into 2 parts. Part 1 at the house and part 2 at my shop.

Part 1

Arrive the place. Brief my students and started doing. Wasn’t exactly a scary or tough job but definitely fruitful and fulfilling.

After finishing up at the place. Explained to the agent and we left the place.

Part 2

Gathered my students and explained to objective and the roles of each of them.

Started our 2 hours chanting. And finished it by sending merits to the deceased. May u find peace, get the merits and move on with your path.

Thank you for giving us a chance to help. Your kindness planted a kind seed to all of us. And teaches us to spread kindness and love to everyone not just those we know.

Gotten this chance to educate my students to help whenever we can and to the best of our ability. That is the purpose of our existence!

Amber stones

Amber stone is a fossilized resin. It has marvelous metaphysical properties for psychic protection. It aids manifestation, eases stress by clearing phobias and fears, and it is a lovely warm stone to wear.

It is a powerful healer that gives the person who wears it a lovely sense of health and healing. Amber helps to balance the emotions, clear the mind and release negative energy.

How Will Amber Help You?

This golden yellow resin is highly protective against any type of negativity, and is known to be one of the better natural crystals to use for protection from psychic attack.

It is known to be especially helpful to help you if the negativity comes from psychic sources. These stones link the everyday self to the spiritual self.

Amber stone has many wonderful qualities for healing the physical and emotional body. It is worth using as it may also heal health problems you forgot you had until they are gone.

They may aid the emotions, and by releasing negativity will balance the emotions as they clear the mind and eases stress, one of the more endemic problems in today’s society.

Through their role to assist emotional healing they help to create a more positive outlook on life. Their role within the sacral chakra means that it this a strong stone to help you to enhance your creativity.

How To Use It

The main use of amber is as a healing stone, and it may be beneficial to keep it within your aura as long as possible each day if you wish it to benefit your health.

The easiest way to do this is to wear it as jewelry, and as Amber is one of the most beneficial healing crystals for you to wear, think of finding a piece as this is an easy way to keep it on your body.

Black Amber

Have a look at the top quality Baltic Amber jewellery, as it is very beautiful.

If you find you are not able to buy jewelry, the cost of a piece of amber may be quite reasonable. It can be kept either on your body or nearby to assist healing.

It heals the glandular system and stimulates the healing of problems within the DNA, as well as relieving karmic related illness.

Amber connects you to your inner wisdom, via the sacral chakra and enhances clairsentience also known as the psychic gift of clear feeling.

Amber stone aids manifestation, and it is effective at aiding you to use your innate talents and abilities, to bring increased prosperity into your life.

Dark Amber

When combined with other golden toned crystals, it is a powerful stone to manifest an increase in money.

Amber gemstones are one of the major aids for both the solar plexus or power chakra and the sacral chakra, and also works to help other areas of the body.

Wearing Amber Gemstones

Rings made from this stone are easy to find and powerful to wear, and it is a birthstone for two star signs. If you are wondering about whether amber is a crystal, well no it is not a crystal nor is it really a stone as such, but it is hard like a stone which is why they label it as amber stone. You will find it sold in shops with crystals and stones.

It is both a Leo and Aquarius birthstone and there is quite a bit of lovely birthstone jewelry made from this stone in good stores. As this resin is easy to work with it is made into beautiful gemstones.

Amber Gemstone Ring

It has a unique energy that resonates with a lot of different people. As Amber stone has an electromagnetic quality, it will build up an electrical charge. So jewelry that sits against your skin is more effective for healing.

With many stones you are able to buy tumblestones of them, but while they are available, amber specimens in various shapes are more common.

You can buy pieces of this stone, but be aware it is often very fragile and easy to break if dropped. So buying a piece of quality Amber jewelry may be the best way to use it.

Why Would You Use It?

Amber is what is termed a solar stone, and almost always feels warm. Pieces are carved into lovely amber wands for use by alchemical healers, as it is a powerful stone to use for healing.

It is a powerful healer and cleanser, and is reputed to cleanse the blood, as well as helping to move energy around the body.

This is why Amber stone has such wonderful abilities to ease pain in joints and ligaments and energize the endocrine system, creating good healing outcomes in the stomach area.

Amber Healing Wand

Amber pieces are easy to buy, and as it is a powerful healer that will enhance tissue revitalization, it may be beneficial to obtain a piece of stone to put in your pocket.

Try putting a piece of natural crystal in your pocket close to the problem area, or buy a piece of jewelry to wear on your body. It is favorable to wear it during and after illness, to bring relief from many different afflictions.

It supports clearing of problems associated with the navel chakra, and draws physical illness out of the spleen, liver and other organs in the stomach area.

“When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self.” Confucius.



  1. 尽力就好


2. 尽心就好


3. 适应就好


4. 随缘就好

凡事不强求,是我的终归是我的,不是我的无论怎么努力也不是我的;爱我的人不会忍心看我哭,不爱我的人即使我即刻为他死他也无动于衷。轰轰烈烈固然激荡人心,平平淡淡也自有一番温暖。拥有的好好珍惜,失去的随风飘逝。  人生不过百年,终究是缘分二字,对错并不重要,生命因为阅历而丰富沉静。

5. 看淡就好


6. 面对就好


7. 乐观就好  


8. 放下就好  


9. 放开就好

别跟自己过不去,这么多年过来,你已经很不容易。升学、工作、家庭,还有同学、同事、新朋旧友,还有许许多多你认识或者不认识的人。很多时候,不得不按照别人的期待活着。无论你多么尽心尽力,总是跟他们的期待有距离。  你也累了,也足够对得起他们了,从现在起应该想想怎么样才能对得起自己。很难让所有人欢喜,那就让自己欢喜。事实上,你自己欢喜了,所有人也都欢喜了。  

10. 简单就好
